ANDY WARHOL (1928-1987)
Diana Vreeland
stamped with the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and the Estate of Andy Warhol stamps and numbered 'FA04.00183' (on the reverse)
unique polaroid print
414 x 338 in. (10.8 x 8.6 cm.)
Executed circa 1982.
Estate of Andy Warhol, New York
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, New York
Brought to you by
Allison ImmergutAssociate Vice President, Specialist, Co-Head of Day Sale
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Lot Essay

Saturday, July 6, 1985
Told Stephen to meet me at 7:30 sharp at Diana Vreeland’s for dinner. It was a huge rainstorm but it stopped at 7:40 and I walked over. Stephen Sprouse was already there and sweet. He’d brought Mrs. Vreeland some outfits. I had my tape recorder on and she came in and said, “What’s that?” and I (laughs) told her, “A camera,” because I thought she couldn’t see. And she said, “No it’s not.” So then I told her it would be like old times, taping again, and she said okay. She said she has a girl sit in the room with her while she sleeps. I thought that was so strange, that she would want that. But then, I guess she is sick, so . . . She had four vodkas and she smoked about fifteen cigarettes.
Excerpt from The Andy Warhol Diaries © The Andy Warhol Foundation. Used with permission.

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The Andy Warhol Diaries
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