The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
Varilargueros acosando al Toro
The canvas is lined with glue adhesive and a plastic, edged lining. The surface is stable. There is an even varnish. Under UV light inspection, there is retouching at the extreme edges to address frame abrasion. There are a few dots of retouching in background including a series of dots going from the area above the left rider's horse's head over to the above the bull's head. In the right rider there are some less flourescent areas of retouching. There is retouching in the moustache of the left rider. There are large dots of retouching in the upper left corner and a two inch vertical line in the background at center right.
Sangre en la Fiesta
The canvas is lined with glue adhesive and a plastic, edged lining. The surface is stable. There is an even varnish. There is minor scuffing on the extreme right edge due to frame abrasion. Under UV light inspection, there is retouching at the extreme edges. There are scattered small areas of retouching in the figures and background including in the hair and feet of the central figure. Two of the small areas of retouching in the fallen figure and back of the bull may address scuffing.
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