512 in. (13.9 cm.) high
with Münzen und Medaillen, Basel.
Philip Hofer (1898-1984), Cambridge, curator and art historian at Harvard University, acquired from the above by 1971.
Antiquities, Sotheby's, New York, 24-25 November 1987, lot 120.
M. M. Eisman, Attic Kyathos Painters (Phd. diss., University of Pennsylvania), 1971, pp. 665-667, no. 243, pl. 47.
K. Hamma, ed., The Dechter Collection of Greek Vases, San Bernardino, 1989, p. 35, no. 16.
Beazley Archive Pottery Database no. 31734.
San Bernardino and Northridge, University Art Galleries, California State University, The Dechter Collection of Greek Vases, 5 May 1989-30 March 1990.
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Lot Essay

At the center, the goddess Athena sits on a klimos, with Posidon holding a fish seated to the right, and Dionysos with a rhyton seated to the left, all between eyes. The field is filled with grape vines laden with fruit. Flanking the handle are two warriors, each armed with a crested Corinthian helmet, greaves and a shield. Most kyathoi were produced for export to Etruria in the workshop of Nikosthenes, of which the Painter of Vatican G57 was a member. The majority feature Dionysiac subjects, which is quite appropriate as they were used for ladling wine from a krater.

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