8 in. (20.3 cm.) high
Private collection, the Netherlands.
Antiquities, Christie's, New York, 25 January 1979, lot 167.
Resandro collection, acquired from the above sale.
I. Grimm-Stadelmann (ed.), Aesthetic Glimpses, Masterpieces of Ancient Egyptian Art, The Resandro Collection, Munich, 2012, p. 96, no. R-353.
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Lot Essay

The tomb of Sety I was excavated by Giovanni Battista Belzoni in the early 19th century. Many shabtis from the tomb are now in museum collections including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and The British Museum, London. The shabti is inscribed with five rows of hieroglyphs, infilled with black bitumen, with Chapter 6 from the Book of the Dead, invoking the shabti to serve as a surrogate for the Pharaoh if he was called upon to labour in the afterlife. For similar examples cf. pp. 79-81, pls 12-13. in J.-F. and L. Aubert, Statuettes Égyptiennes: Chaouabtis, Ouchebtis, Paris, 1974.

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