ZHAO TONGHE (1916-1995)
Scroll, mounted on cardboard, ink on paper
26 ⅞ x 26 ⅝ in. (68 x 67.6 cm.)
Signed, with one seal of the artist

Howard H.S. Chao (1920-2012), a well-known journalist in China and Japan and professor at Yale University.
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Zhao Tonghe (1916-1995), nicknamed Erdai, was born the second son of General Zhao Qilu (1894-1964) in Jiangsu province. He discovered art in his childhood and remained active in the field for nearly half of a century. His works have been exhibited worldwide and are in the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome. One of his stated goals was to distill and reconstruct how the Chinese felt toward modern landscape paintings on paper as he sought to find new expressions and innovations.

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