The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
Non examinée hors de son cadre. Un papier kraft de bordage court le long des bords. La surface est encrassée et pousséreuse. Les irrégularités de surface telles que les ondulations, enfoncements, traces de pliure, décollements, résidus de colle et arrachages de papier sont inhérentes à la méthode de travail de l’artiste. Sous réserve de ce qui précède, selon notre opinion, l’œuvre est en bon état général de conservation.
Not examined out of the frame. A kraft framing paper strip runs along the edges. The surface is dirty and dusty. The irregularities of the surface such as the undulations, dents, folding marks, liftings, glue residues and tears of the paper are inherent to the artist's working method. Subject to the foregoing, it is our view that the work appears to be in overall good condition.
Print Report