HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel (1804-1864). Autograph letter signed ("Nathl. Hawthorne") to Mrs. C. J. Wyman, "U.S. Consulate," Liverpool, 18 July 1854.

Two pages, bifolium, 197 x 123mm (tear to second page repaired on verso).

Hawthorne answers a social inquiry for his wife, Sophia. "Since I have had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Wyman, our physician has advised me to take Mrs. Hawthorne and the children to the Isle of Man, where (he thought) the complete change of atmosphere would be very beneficial to them all. They accordingly went, last week, and will probably remain there as long as they appear to derive any benefit from the sea-air and bathing. I beg you to accept my best acknowledgments for your very kind invitation; and I feel confident that Mrs. Hawthorne will be delighted to avail herself of it, by spending a day with you, after her return from the Isle of Man." Hawthorne had fixed on the Isle of Man during the summer of 1854 so Sophia and the children could recover from a bout of whooping cough—Hawthorne remained in Liverpool during the work week and would visit his family on the weekends. (Wineapple, 277). Not published in Letters, Centennial Edition.
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