GODFREY, Thomas (1736-1765) Juvenile Poems on Various Subjects. With the Prince of Parthia, a Tragedy. Philadelphia: Henry Miller, 1765.

The first known play to be written, printed and performed in what would become the United States. A very rare first edition. "'The publication of the 'Prince of Parthia' makes 1765 a landmark in American cultural history. For the first time a native-born American, Thomas Godfrey, Jr., had written a play in this country. For the first time a play, so written, was printed. Two years later 'The Prince of Parthia' became the first American play to be performed professionally on the American stage" (Two Hundred Years of American Plays: An Exhibition. Brown University, 1965). The play premiered on 24 April 1767 at the Southwark Theatre in Philadelphia. The subscribers' list to this edition includes such Philadelphia luminaries as Benjamin Chew, Francis Hopkinson, Benjamin Rush, and, of course, Benjamin Franklin. Evans 9983.

Quarto (220 x 170mm). Subscribers' list and errata present. Modern calf, all edges gilt. Provenance: Edward E. Haley, M.D. (discreet owner's blindstamp on two leaves).
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