Harlan Estate, The Maiden 2006-2008
Napa Valley
2006 (3)
2007 (3)
2008 (3)
Above in three three-bottle original wooden cases
9 bottles per lot

Bill Harlan’s goal throughout the past quarter century has remained constant—to create an American first growth by expressing the genius of one particular site. With his keen eye for real estate, Harlan identified a property near the town of Oakville that had never been planted, and purchased the 23-acre nucleus of this property in 1984. Additional purchases and land trades eventually increased the total to 240 acres that reach an elevation of 1225 feet. Harlan Estate vineyards, however, are limited to a steeply terraced band between 350-550 feet elevation in order to keep the grapes cool. Being a perfectionist, Harlan and his team (the formidable duo of winemaker Robert Levy and consulting oenologist Michel Rolland) rejected two vintages as unworthy before deciding to release the 300 case production of the 1990 vintage. Since this time, production has climbed, but still hovers at just 1,800 -2,000 cases per vintage.
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