French manuscripts
FRANCE: a study group of leaves and fragments, in Latin, manuscripts on vellum [France, 11th-12th centuries]
A group of early French theological and liturgical manuscripts.

(i) A fragment from Haymo Halberstatensis, In Epistolas Paulinas [France, 11th century].
c.235 × 290mm. Preserving two columns of 25 lines written in late Caroline minuscule, with text comprising Haymo's commentary on 1 Timothy, containing a substantial amount of text that is apparently authentic, but not in the edition of Patrologia Latina, 117, cols 783-785 (with notes and sums in a humanist hand from use as a wrapper, a horizontal crease obscures some text, torn and cockled along edges).
Provenance: Colker MS 489; acquired in 1999 from Quaritch.

(ii) A leaf from a Bible [France, 11/12th century].
c.300 × 179mm. 25 lines ruled in plummet, written in a late Caroline minuscule with some protogothic features such as forked ascenders, with text comprising Genesis 14:5-15:1 (text lacking at margins from cropping, remains of adhesive on verso).
Provenance: Colker MS 319; acquired in 1984 from B.M. Rosenthal.

(iii) A fragment from a theological text [France, 11/12th century].c.185 × 220mm. Preserving 19 lines, written in a protogothic script, with text comparing a dropsical man, called a hydropicus, with a donkey or an ox, a popular medieval association drawn from Luke 14:1-6 (large tear in vellum across upper and outer margin from ruling, text faded and illegible on one side of fragment, small holes).
Provenance: Colker MS 330; acquired in 1984 from Quaritch.

(iv) A leaf from Petrus Comestor (d. 1178), Sermones [France, 12th century].
c.213 × 140mm. 30 lines, written in a regular protogothic bookhand; text comprising part of Sermons 30-31 (text lacking from cropping along outer and lower edge from use in a binding).
Provenance: Colker MS 110; acquired in 1966 from Maggs.

(v) A fragment from a Homiliary [?France, 12th century].
c.235 × 125mm. Preserving part of one column of 23 lines, written in a fine protogothic bookhand, with large pen-drawn initial 'E', with foliate ornament; text comprising part of a homily on John 15:17-18, attributed here to St Gregory I (pigment from another manuscript with large lettering has transferred onto the margin).
Provenance: (1) Morton and Esther Rosenbaum; sold at Sotheby's, 25 April 1983, part of lot 12, bought by Maggs; (2) Colker MS 310; acquired in 1983 from Maggs.

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