Depicting Mangal (the planet Mars), also identified as Kartikeya, the god of war and son of Shiva and the Earth, red-skinned, in a chariot drawn by a pair of red rams, on dark green ground with red borders; Chandra (the Moon God), in the form of mriganka (marked like a deer), silver-skinned, seated in a chariot drawn by a pair of antelopes, on light green ground with red borders; and an unidentified archer depicted kneeling on red ground, aiming at a lion, within narrow borders with floral and foliate motifs
16 ½ x 13 in. (42 x 33 cm.)

84.035: Christie's London, 28 November 1983, lots 80.
84.036: Christie's London, 28 November 1983, lots 82.
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