Each with an eagle holding aloft a medallion with trailing flowers above two foliate candlearms terminating in urn form sockets above a musical trophy backplate
1334 in. (35 cm.) high
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Lot Essay

These rare wall lights, with their distinctive and elegant combination of silver and ormolu motifs, relate to the work of Viennese silversmiths and bronziers such as Anton Matthias Domanek (1713-1779), whose most celebrated work is the gueridon of ormolu and steel with petrified wood top, gifted to Marie-Antoinette by her sister Archduchess Maria Christina in 1770 and which remains at the château de Versailles. Domanek also supplied a chandelier in steel and rock crystal which was offered as a diplomatic gift to the King of Denmark and remains in the Royal Collection at Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen. A further related steel and ormolu chandelier, attributed to Domanek and with similar stylized foliate ornament, was sold Christie's, Paris, 28 November 207, lot 703 (€187,500).

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