The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
Teapot and cover (théière 'Calabre' et couvercle) - of small size, with blue interlaced L marks enclosing date letter M for 1765, painter's mark for Noualhier (l'aîne or possibly le jeune). Minute chipping to finial, possible stained glaze crack to interior of spout, minute wear to gilding.
A milk-jug - (pot à lait 'à trois pieds') - with blue interlaced L marks flanked by date letter M for 1765 and painter's mark for Claude-Antoine Tardy. With minute chip to gilding on tip of one foot. 27⁄8 in. (7.5cm) high
A sugar bowl and cover (pot à sucre 'Bouret'),- 8.5cm high, blue (blurred) X mark to sugar bowl, the rim of the cover with small chip beneath glaze that occurred at time of manufacture, minute chip to petal of finial.31⁄4 in. (8.3 cm.) high
Two cylindrical pots and covers (pots à pommade) - 6.5cm high: one with blue interlaced L marks enclosing date letter M for 1765, painter's PR mark for Louis-François Prissette, the other with blue interlaced L marks enclosing date letter L for 1764, with unidentified painter's Ge mark, in good order.
Two coffee cans and saucers (gobelets litron et soucoupes)- the first with grey interlaced L marks enclosing date letter M for 1765, the saucer only with BF painter's mark for Mme Bailly (fils). The other with blue interlaced L marks enclosing date letter M for 1765 to cup and painter's Pq mark for Pecquery, the saucer with blue interlaced L marks enclosing date letter M 1765 and with painter's B,F. mark for Mme Bailly (fils).
Overall the porcelain is in very good order, there is some minute wear.
The lock and key are functioning.
Some wear and rubbing to the silver-gilt mounts, which is more noticeable to the stoppers on the glass caddies and bottles, some wear to silk lining, minor tearing, the box cracked across top and restored with some overpainting, with some further cracking and later in-filling to japanning.
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