The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
Time Exposed #317
The work was examined in the mat, the back of the work was unable to examine due to framing status. There is a minute surface irregularity to the lower left edge, measuring approximately 0.3 cm.. There is a pinpoint surface irregularity to the lower right corner.
Time Exposed #327
The work was examined in the mat, the back of the work was unable to examine due to framing status. There is a pinpoint surface irregularity to the lower left edge.
Time Exposed #339
The work was examined in the mat, the back of the work was unable to examine due to framing status. It is in our opinion that the work is in good condition.
Time Exposed #354
The work was examined in the mat, the back of the work was unable to examine due to framing status. There are surface irregularities to the upper corners.
Print Report