KOO MEI (GU MEI, B. 1929)
Purple Snow Mist 1
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper
63 x 39 cm. (24 34 x 15 38 in.)
Signed, with one seal and one dated seal of jisi year (1989)
Acquired from Touchstone Gallery.
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Yorkie Tam
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Lot Essay

Born in Guangzhou in 1929, Koo Mei moved to Hong Kong in 1950. First studying traditional Chinese painting under Zhao Shao’ang (1905-1998) in the early 1960s, she later studied with Hu Nianzu (b. 1927) in Taiwan and Lui Shou Kwan (1919-1975) in Hong Kong. Having enjoyed a successful career as an actress and singer, she devoted herself to painting full-time in 1970 and won the Hong Kong Urban Council Fine Art Award in 1977. After relocating to Vancouver in the mid-1980s, Koo was greatly inspired by the grandeur and beauty of the Canadian landscapes. A skilled landscapist, her delicate layers of ink and colour create a sense of movement within the mountains, suggesting a sense of infinite vastness.

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