Includes the following:
Portrait Paintings-Chiang Chao-Ho (Signed, with one seal of the artist in the inside page).
Huang Binhong Jiyou Huace (Records of the Travels of Huang Binhong) Volume II, Shenzhou Guoguangshe, April 1936 1st edition. (Cover inscribed and signed by the artist; dedicated to Y.K. Shukla).
Huang Junbi Huaji Volume I. (Cover inscribed and signed by the artist; dedicated to Y.K. Shukla).
Jianfu Huaji (Paintings by Gao Jianfu), The Commercial Press, December 1935 1st edition.
Zhang Shanzi Daqian Hezuo Shanjun Zhenxiang (Vol. II). (Cover missing)
Qi Baishi Huace (Paintings by Qi Baishi), Chung Hwa Books, July 1939 4th edition.
Sun Duoci Miaoji (Sketches by Sun Duoci), Chung Hwa Books, September 1935 1st edition. (Inscribed by Zhang Heyun on the inside page.)
Qin Zhongwen Shanshui Ce (Landscape Album by Qin Zhongwen), Commercial Press, November 1925. (One collector’s seal in the inside page.)
Sanyou Heji (Collections of Three Friends of Winter), Suihanshe, April 1937 1st edition.
Wang Shensheng Shanshui Huaniao Huace (Landscape and Flower and Birds by Wang Shensheng), Gushen Li Fangyu, August 1936.
Wang Miaoru Nüshi Shuhuace (Paintings by Wang Miaoru), Chung Hwa Books, September 1937.
Dangdai Mingren Huahai, Chung Hwa Books, August 1931 1st edition.
Dangdai Mingren Huahai, Chung Hwa Books, February 1941 6th edition.
Rongbaozhai zhi Shijianpu (Letter Paper by Rongbaozhai) 2 volumes.
Gu Yuan Muke Xuanji (Selected Woodblock Prints by Gu Yuan), People’s Fine Art Publishing House, September 1952 1st edition. (Inscribed and signed on the inside page by the artist; dated 11 February 1956.)
Wang Qingfang ed., Muke Jindai Renfan (Contemporary Woodblock Print Artists), Quyuan Publishing House, November 1941. (Inscribed and signed by the editor; dedicated to Y.K. Shukla.)
Muke Xuanji (Selected Works of Woodblock Prints), Zhongwai Publishing House, September 1946 1st edition.
Dunhuang Cultural Relics Research Center ed., Dunhuang Mogaoyao (Mogao Caves of Dunhuang), Gansu People’s Publishing House, 1957. (Inscribed and signed on the inside page by the Delegation of Chinese Artists; dedicated to Y.K. Shukla; dated 5 February 1959.)
Mr Y.K. Shukla was born in 1907 in Porbander, Gujarat, India and studied drawing and painting in Bombay. He received the Meyo Medal, the highest award for an art student in India; then, in 1934, he moved to Italy to study at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, where he graduated with honours in 1939.
In 1947, Shukla won a scholarship from the Indian government to study Chinese painting at the National Institute of Fine Arts in Beijing. Whilst in Beijing, he studied under the internationally celebrated artist Xu Beihong, got to know several Chinese artists, and visited private collections of Chinese paintings owned by collectors and artists. Shukla became close friends with Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong and other Chinese artists of the 20th century. With their advice, Shukla assembled a fine collection of modern Chinese paintings, including the current lot. Christie's is honoured to present the family collection of Mr Shukla, including several calligraphy, paintings, letters, photos of the artist, and art books signed by many painters and scholars during his time in China. Most of the collections were acquired directly from the artists as gifts, showing the deep friendship between Mr Shukla and the artists. Through their interaction, the collection depicts the historical context of artistic exchanges between China and India in the first half of the 20th century.
Brought to you by
Andy Kang (康心恩)Junior Specialist
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