In an assemblage of a custom armature, base and Lucite dome are two meteorite specimens, a complete Juancheng meteorite and a complete slice of another meteorite from the same event. The complete specimen is 99% covered in fusion crust, the result of frictional heating in Earth’s atmosphere. The perimeter of the complete slice is also wrapped in fusion crust. The cut face reveals the matrix being studded with tiny flakes of metal and small chondrules. Veins of impact melt, the result of a massive collision in interplanetary space, are also seen coursing through the complete slice—and appear in all Juancheng specimens. The slice exhibits subdued tinting from terrestrialization, most likely the result of schoolchildrens’ actions described above. Modern cutting.
Complete Specimen: 41 x 31 x 20mm. (1½ x 1¼ x ¾in.)
Complete Slice: 46 x 38 x 4mm. (1¾ x 1½ x ⅛in.)

Complete Specimen: 47.9g.
Complete Slice: 20.1g.
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Lot Essay

For many Chinese, the Juancheng meteorite shower of February 15, 1997 portended Communist Party Chairman Deng Xiaopeng’s death. Said one man who journeyed to the site near the Yellow River in Shandong Province, “Our Leader protects us from all frontiers, even from above, and when the sky-tissue which separates us from the heavens is torn by a rain of stones, it is time for Our Leader to go and protect us from his new home high in the heavens.” Chairman Deng obliged this directive and died four days later. The Juancheng specimens offered in this assemblage are uncommonly fresh. Most specimens were recovered by schoolchildren in what became an extraterrestrial Easter Egg hunt. As they were paid by weight, the young capitalists soon realized that soaking their stony, porous finds in water would result in greater weights, without realizing the staining effect on the meteorites by doing so. The complete specimen now offered is unusually pristine.

Christie's would like to thank Dr. Alan E. Rubin at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles for his assistance in preparing this catalog note.

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