A Seymchan Meteorite Sphere
Discovered in Russia, 1967; modern cutting.
This specimen comes from a large chunk of a Seymchan meteorite that underwent a number of stages of grinding and polishing in sphere-making apparatus.
2¼ in. (5.8 cm.) diam.
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Seymchan is an unusual and remarkable pallasite: large portions of the rock are olivine free. Pallasites are formed at the core-mantle boundary of an asteroid that experienced melting molten metal from the core mixed with olivine crystals settling downwards from the mantle. It appears the olivine grains are suspended or floating in a metallic sea - an image not far afield from the actual case in its parent asteroid. This is a wondrous three-dimensional presentation of a pallasite, and can rightly be considered an otherworldly crystal ball.

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