'Tomato or Pumpkin Vine' pattern, the bowl applied with five bands of stylized tomatoes and foliage, marked on underside and numbered 22888
the bowl 914 in. (23.5 cm.) diam.
34 oz. (1,059 gr.)
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Lot Essay

The 'Tomato or Pumpkin Vine' salad bowl was introduced in 1940 in Tiffany's display in the House of Jewels pavillion at the 1939-40 New York World Fair. However, this model of salad serving set had been designed three years earlier by Norwegian staff designer Olaf Wilford (1894-1980). The 'Tomato or Pumpkin Vine' pattern was produced in limited numbers until the early 1950s, and is illustrated in Jewel Stern's Modernism in American Silver, 2005, figs. 8.15 and 8.16, p. 177.

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