The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
Overall in good decorative order and ready to use. Some pieces with glaze crazing, some wear and flaking to brown line rims, slight wear and flaking to enamels and slight surface scratching. Occasional minute chip to extremity.
A two-handled circular soup-tureen and cover -- in good decorative order.
Two two-handled circular sauce-tureens, covers and ladles -- in good decorative order.
Two oval serving-dishes in sizes -- slight staining and crazing.
An oval dish -- glaze crazing.
A shaped square dish -- in good decorative order.
Two circular two-handled stands -- in good decorative order.
Twenty dinner-plates -- flaking to brown line rims, some with slight staining or crazing, three with two short hairline cracks from rim, two with a minute rim chip to underside, two with two rim chips to underside, three with one rim chip to underside, one with a few rim chips to underside.
Twelve soup-plates -- flaking to brown line rims, some with slight staining and crazing, one with rim chip to underside of rim, one with two rim chips to underside, one with 1.5 cm. rim chip.
Ten luncheon-plates -- flaking to brown line rims, some with slight staining and crazing, one with stained star crack to well,
Eighteen side-plates -- flaking to brown line rims, crazing and some staining.
Ten crescent-shaped salad-plates -- flaking to brown line rims, crazing and some staining, one with hairline crack from rim.
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