The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
Overall in good decorative order and ready to use, with slight wear to gilding and enamels, some surface scratching and occasional minute chip. Some peices possibly with ground cancellation marks
One two-handled soup-tureen, cover and stand -- the tureen with two minor flat chips to the rim, and a further minute chip to the rim. Otherwise in good order.
One large circular serving-dish -- in good decorative order.
One large fish serving-dish -- in good decorative order.
One medium-sized oval serving-dish -- One very small flat chip to the rim. Otherwise in good order.
Two square-shaped dishes -- One with two small chips to the rim. The other in good order.
Two smaller oval dishes -- in good decorative order.
Two two-handled sauce-boats on fixed stands -- Each with a chip to one end. Otherwise in good order.
Twenty-two dinner-plates -- One with a small rim chip, the rest in good order.
Twelve soup-plates -- in good decorative order.
Eleven luncheon-plates -- in good decorative order.
Two double salts - One has been broken through the middle and restuck, with some very minor associated chips, and some traces of old glue. The other in good order.
A serving spoon -- in good decorative order.
Together with a further outside decorated dinner-plate
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