Cycle Michael
lithograph in olive-green, on tan wove paper, 1896, Wittrock's only state, from the edition of 200
Image: 3112 x 4714 in. (800 x 1200 mm.)
Sheet: 3434 x 4878 in. (883 x 1241 mm.)
Ambroise Vollard, Paris
Henri M. Petiet, Paris (acquired from the estate of the above).
Delteil 359; Adhémar 184; Wittrock P25; Adriani 194
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Lot Essay

Cycling was popular spectator sport in Paris during the 1890's. Lautrec was an enthusiastic follower and created this poster to advertise a new bicycle chain for the director of the Simpson Cycle and Bicycle Chain Company, Louis 'Spoke' Bouglé. The chain was incorrectly drawn however, and not used, but Lautrec proceeded to print an edition and give them to racing fans.

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