Rose Pearson
Untitled 1

pen on paper
21cm x 30 cm

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A simple repeating pattern in turn stretches and folds in on itself as it makes its way inwards from the edges of six overlapping circles, creating intricate and resonant shapes.

Rose makes highly detailed black and white abstract pen drawings, and screen-prints from these drawings. They are based on simple hand-drawn shapes, which are repeated many times, and though this process subtly alter to create new patterns and unexpected, often slightly absurd forms. Interpreted differently by different viewers, the works always resist a fixed interpretation. The smallest pieces are around 10 cm. across, the largest more than 2 metres. Though always experimenting with new forms and patterns she has been working in a recognisable style for almost 10 years. Rose studied Fine Art at Norwich School of Art and Design and the University of the West of England. She has exhibited with Spike Island Print Studio, Bristol, Stone Space Gallery, London, Raise the Bar at Labels, Soho, and art trails in St Werburghs, Bristol, and Leytonstone, London. You can see more of her work, and get updates about events and exhibitions on her blog at

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