Tucson Sky
watercolor and graphite on watercolor paper
1512 x 1912 in (39 x 50cm)
Painted in 2019
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Lot Essay

Steve Bryant creates water color paintings inspired by his own photography. Exploring how images are framed, his painting Tucson Skyis seen through the windshield of a car. By using this framing device, Bryant gives the impression of being one step removed from reality as if seen on a television, computer, or camera. This viewpoint promotes a subjective quality, allowing viewers to come up with their own interpretation.

Bryant has been a photographer most of his life. In 2015, he began a drawing series inspired by the paintings of Wassily Kandinsky. Eventually, he employed his colorful drawing to copy frames from Buck Rodgers comics. From there he moved on to drawing photographs from books, including Chinese architecture and Japanese wood block prints. He is currently creating a painting series on graffiti in New York City.

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