Including LLEWELLYN, Lytton William and Laurence Binyon. Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Chinese Art 1935-6. London: Royal Academy of Arts, 1935. Original cloth. -- REITZ, S. C. Bosch. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Catalogue of An Exhibition of Early Chinese Pottery and Sculpture. New York: MCMXVI, 1916. LIMITED EDITION, 750 copies printed on machine made paper and 100 on arches handmade paper. Original cloth. -- Two catalogues rebound in one. Provenance: Max Loehr (1903-1988), by repute. Library binding: SALMONY, Alfred. Asiatische Kunst (Asian Art). Cologne: Verlag J.P. Bachem G.M.B.H., 1926. Text printed in German. -- THE ART GALLERY MILLS COLLEGE. Friends of Far Eastern Art First Exhibition: Chinese Art. California: Mills College, 1934. -- KÜMMEL, Otto. Ausstellung Chinesischer Kunst: Veranstaltet von der Gesellschaft für Ostasiatische Kunst und der Preußischen Akademie der Künst Berlin, 12 Januar bis 2 April 1929 (Exhibition of Chinese Art: Organized by the Society for East Asian Art and the Prussian Academy of Arts Berlin, January 12 to April 2, 1929). Berlin: Würfel Verlag, 1929. Text printed in German. Original cloth. -- ISTITUTO ITALIANO PER IL MEDIO ED ESTREMO ORIENTE, Roma. Mostra d'Arte Cinese Catalogo (Exhibition of Chinese Art Catalogue). Venice: Alfieri Editore, 1954. Text printed in Italian and English. Original cloth. -- Approximately 135 museum catalogues on Chinese art, museum publications on Asian art and museum catalogues on world art.
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