A group of three landscape prints
Woodblock prints, comprising:
1) Kanagawa, dai no chaya kaijo miharashi (Kanagawa: view over the sea from the teahouses on the embankment), from the series Gojusan tsugi meisho zue (Famous sights of the fifty-three stations), signed Hiroshige ga, published by Tsutaya Kichizo (Koeido), 7th Month 1855
2) Kawasaki, from the series Tokaido meisho fukei (Scenes of famous places of Tokaido), signed Hiroshige ga, published by Kobayashi Tetsujiro (Maruya Tetsujiro), 4th month 1863
3) Oki takibi no yashiro (Takibi Shrine in Oki Province), from the series Shokoku meisho hyakkei (One hundred famous views in the various provinces), signed Hiroshige ga, published by Uoya Eikichi, 9th month 1861
Each vertical oban:
1) 1412 x 914 in. (36.2 x 23.5 cm.)
2) 1334 x 938 in. (34.9 x 23.8 cm.)
3) 1458 x 978 in. (37.1 x 25.1 cm.)
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Takaaki Murakami (村上高明)Vice President, Specialist and Head of Department | Korean Art
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