The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
- Overall condition good. Some traces of tarnish to the reverse. Gross weight: 279 gr.
- O.Bachet & A. Cartier, 2020, expertise no. BC2003-6: Art Deco desk clock with folding strut, Cartier Paris, circa 1920. Particularity: four identical models are known, all made in 1920, two have been personalized - this one - and another with interlaced C's applied on the glass crystal. The particularity of this clock lies in the placement of the rose-cut diamonds set circle in the middle of the rock crystal rather than against the chapter ring, as well as its being surrounded by a black enamel border on either side - the only use of such an enamel décor in Cartier's clock production. A very similar model has guilloché dial enamelled 'bleu chardon' instead of 'bleu foncé' showing the opposite ends of the ligth and dark color range used by Cartier.
- Signed Cartier, nos. 9106 and 453.
- Movement signed Longines 19.41, no. 2978549.
- The rock crystal in good condition. Small crack to the back close to one screw and one on the girdle. Small chips to the corner of the base.
- The enamel in good condition. The enamel was restored on the dial at 5 o'clock.
- One small diamond missing
- Movement ticking at time of cataloguing, working order and timekeeping cannot be guaranteed at time of purchase.
- Please see Important Notice at the back of the catalogue for all clocks and watches and regarding coloured stones.
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