This piece of a diogenite shows fine-grained yellow-green orthopyroxene grains surrounded by fine-grained material interspersed with pale-orange weathering products. Polished to a mirror finish on the cut face.

The diogenite rocks were born billions of years ago, through geological activity deep within the bowels of asteroid Vesta. This asteroid is one of the largest in our asteroid belt, and was one of the targets of the highly successful NASA DAWN mission. Colossal impacts on Vesta excavated these plutonic rocks scattering them across our Solar System. The meteorite Northwest Africa 7831 is a spectacular example of such a rock found in Morocco in 2013 by nomads tending camels. A single 20 kilogram meteorite, though largely broken into small pieces, was excavated by the nomads. The meteorite is normally very brittle and fragile and tends to break into small fragments. This one was the same, with 90% of the known material being the size of crumbs and gravel, however a few larger pieces were found intact and, when cut and polished, show stunningly beautiful translucent green crystals of orthopyroxene. For offer is one of the largest pieces; at 1,493 grams this polished end piece would make a captivating display specimen.

Christie's would like to thank Dr. Alan E. Rubin at the Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles for his assistance in preparing this catalogue.
140 mm x 120 mm x 40 mm (512 x 434 x 112 in.)
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