MISHA KAHN (B. 1989)
Flat Planet (Table)
Printable 3D model (FBX with vertex colors)
together with an MP4
(00:00:08 seconds, 2048 x 2048 pixels)
Executed in 2021.

This work is unique and is sold as a non-fungible token.

token ID: 25589172339488513184097753251259367849292773157707017705630314472833835597825
wallet address: 0x3892f55253893325771bcebda2aaacdd5c793c4c
smart contract address: 0x495f947276749Ce646f68AC8c248420045cb7b5e
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Please note for tax purposes, including potential sales tax, NFTs may be considered a digital service or digital product and thus Christie’s may be required to collect relevant taxes dependent on local laws. For tax rate information, you may wish to consult an independent tax advisor Please note that you must make payment for this lot in US Dollars, payment in the cryptocurrency Ether will not be accepted.
The owner of the present NFT may self-produce an unlimited number of physical, unsigned copies using the FBX file stored on the token. In addition, the owner has the sole right to commission Misha Kahn to produce for a negotiable fee one unique, signed example in a mutually agreed-upon material. In the event of a future sale, the artist resale royalty of the present NFT is 10%.
Brought to you by
Alexander HeminwayInternational Head of Design
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