[1] STS-26 / Unidentified photographer
Space Shuttle Discovery liftoff
September 29, 1988
Vintage photograph with “This Paper Manufactured By Kodak” watermarks on the verso and NASA MSC caption and with identifying number "KSC-88PC-1001".

[2] STS-26 / Unidentified photographer
Launch of Space Shuttle Discovery
August 4, 1988
Vintage photograph with “This Paper Manufactured By Kodak” watermarks on the verso.

[3] STS-60 / Unidentified photographer
Launch of Space Shuttle Discovery on Mission STS-60
February 3, 1994
Vintage photograph with “This Paper Manufactured By Kodak” watermarks on the verso and NASA MSC caption with identifying number "KSC-94PC-221".

[4] STS-42 / Unidentified photographer
Launch of Space Shuttle Discovery for a seven day mission
January 22, 1992
Vintage photograph with NASA MSC caption with identifying number "KSC-92P-117".
20.3 x 25.4cm (8 x 10in)
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Lot Essay

[1] The Space Shuttle Discovery and its five man crew is launched from Pad 39-B at 11:37 a.m. as STS-26 embarks on a four day, one hour mission.

[2] Capturing the moment when STS-26 orbiter Discovery lifts off from the launch pad at Kennedy Space Center.

[3] A golden new era in space cooperation begins with a flawless countdown and the on time liftoff of the Space Shuttle Discovery on Mission STS-60. Liftoff from Launch Pad 39A occurred at 7:10:01 a.m., EST. The first Shuttle mission of 1994 carries the first Russian cosmonaut, Sergei K. Krikalev, to fly on the Space Shuttle. The veteran space traveller joins astronauts N. Jan Davis and Ronald M. Sega, mission specialists; Franklin R. Chang-Diaz, payload commander: Kenneth S. Reightler, pilot; and Charles F. Bolden Jr., mission commander, on an eight-day journey. Primary payloads of the 60th Space Shuttle flight are the SPACEHAB-2 laboratory and the Wake Shield Facility.
From NASA caption.

[4] More than 7 million pounds of thrust lifts the Space Shuttle Discovery with ease from Launch Pad 39A at 9:52 a.m. EST. Mission STS-42 is the first Space Shuttle flight in 1992. The primary purpose of the seven-day mission is to conduct a variety of experiments in the International Microgravity Laboratory-1, which is contained in a Spacelab module in the orbiter’s payload bay. The seven crew members are Commander Ronald J. Grabe, Pilot Stephen S. Oswald, Payload Commander and Mission Specialist Dr. Norman Thagard, Mission Specialists David C. Hilmers and William F. Readdy, and Payload Specialists Dr. Roberta L. Bondar of the Canadian Space Agency and Ulf D. Merbold of the European Space Agency.
From NASA caption.

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