The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
It is in our opinion that the works are in overall good condition. The cels are inspected within their frames, the edges and reverse thus could not be checked. Occasional spots of pigment could be found on the cel surfaces. Faint moulds and minor black linework pigment losses occasional across the cel surfaces, natural due to aging and the artist's chosen medium. All the douga sheets are complete without tear.
(i) Three faint irregular marks on the center of the face, original to the nature of the artist's chosen medium. One negligible faint scratch to the right edge of the background approximately 1cm. long.
(ii)The cel sheets are slightly undulated. Minor yellowing and dust marks across the douga sheet with negligible soft creases occasional to the extreme edges and corners.
(iii) The cel sheet is slightly undulated. Occasional paint loss noted on the purple area of the figures' face.
(iv) One soft crease from the lower left edge to the extreme lower right corner of the background. One soft scratch on the left edge of the background, approximately 1.5cm long. Pinpoint paint loss on the upper left quadrant of the background.
(v) Occasional paint loss across the surface, especially noted on the white area of the left figure, presumably due to the nature of the artist's chosen medium. A tiny paper fragment attached to the lower left corner.
Print Report