A river landscape with drovers and cattle
signed 'H.J. Antonissen F: 1790' (lower right)
oil on canvas
30 x 41 in. (76 x 104 cm.)
Terence Mullaly (1927-2020), art historian, and by descent to the present owners.
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The collection of art historian Terence Mullaly (1927-2020):

The scholar and art critic Terence Mullaly was born in 1927. The son of an army colonel, Mullaly was educated in India, England and Canada. He graduated from Cambridge University and then made several archaeological excavations in Tripolitania and Sicily. In public life, he was best known as The Daily Telegraph’s art critic, where he was one of Britain’s leading voices writing on art for over thirty years from 1956 to 1987.

He was also a considerable scholar and became a leading expert in Veronese art. In 1966, he organised an exhibition in the Museo di Castelvecchio in Verona on Ruskin’s experience of that city, as recorded in his writings and paintings. In 1971, he curated an exhibition on Veronese drawings of the sixteenth century and published an accompanying catalogue (Disegni Veronesi del Cinquecento) that is still cited today as an authoritative guide on attributions in that area. He was a regular contributor to The Burlington Magazine and Old Master Drawings art journals.

His collecting habits followed his interests in Veronese art of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and he acquired rare works by Veronese artists such as Paolo Farinati (1524-1606), Orlando Flacco (1527-1593) and Marco Antonio Bassetti (1586-1630).

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