We are grateful to Dr Francesca Parrilla for confirming the attribution on the basis of a photograph. Dr Parrilla notes that there are two other versions made by Venusti of this Flagellation, one in the Galleria Borghese, and another in a private collection. The composition itself follows the work made by Sebastiano del Piombo for the Borgherini chapel in San Pietro in Montorio, Rome, which was completed in 1524.
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The poplar panel, which has two horizontal metal straps attached to the reverse, has slightly bowed. There are a few minor historic repaired surface abrasions with associated retouchings, for example in the architecture (upper right), in the legs of the two figures to the left of Christ, and a to the column, upper centre. Examination under ultraviolet light reveals further spots of retouching to the column, the upper torso and face of Christ, the flesh tones of the figure in the right, with more minor retouching elsewhere.