The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
The painting is unframed, as stated in the catalogue. The canvas is supported with a glue lining and the paint is stable on the support. Under natural light, the varnish is relatively clear and a craquelure extends across the surface. There is some scuffing visible along the lower edge, near the sword and broken wheel. Ultraviolet light examination reveals a detailed restoration campaign, with scattered retouches throughout. In particular, a larger passage fluoresces over the right forearm of the angel at left, over the nose of the second angel, over Christ’s cheek and in the background just to the left of Saint Francis’s face. All of the faces have retouching, as well as passages of the drapery. The painting could be hung as is, but restoration to the scuffing at lower center might be considered.
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