The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
The canvas is supported with a glue lining and the paint is stable on the support. Under natural light, the varnish is essentially clear, but has blossomed in a few places. A fine craquelure is visible over the flesh tones, the white of his garment, and is some areas of the background. Discolored strengthening is visible over the left side of his neck, over the shadow of his collar, and in the background over his proper right shoulder. Further discolored repaint is visible in the shadows of his hands, where the paint may have deteriorated. Under ultraviolet light, retouching to the craquelure over the left side of his face and over his neck fluoresces, along with some passages of craquelure on his forehead. Additional retouching fluoresces over his hair, and in the upper right of the background. Two 2-inch areas fluoresce darkly on his proper right sleeve, and scattered strengthening fluoresces on his sleeves and over the shadows of his hands. A few other passages fluoresce on his hat and elsewhere. With a sensitive cleaning and reappraisal of the retouching, the painting could be improved significantly.
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