The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
The panel appears to comprise a single, uncradled oak board, with vertically-oriented grain. At its thickest (along the integral frame), it is ½ inch thick. There is a slight convex bow from left to right. There is an 3 inch fine vertical crack visible at the upper left, 21⁄2 inches from the left edge. The paint is stable on the panel. Under natural light, the varnish appears yellowed and slightly cloudy. There is a ¾ inch area of discolored restoration on Christ’s forehead. Bold underdrawing is visible on his face. Ultraviolet examination reveals additional touches of restoration, but it is difficult to read the painting due to the very old varnish. Overall, this painting appears to be in authentic state and is a lovely survival from the period. A sensitive cleaning and conservation would likely leave the painting much improved.
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