"Extremely rare" Götz Bible

Cologne, 1477-8

Price Realised USD 12,500
USD 3,000 - USD 5,000
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"Extremely rare" Götz Bible

Cologne, 1477-8

Price Realised USD 12,500
Price Realised USD 12,500
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"Extremely rare" Götz Bible
Cologne, 1477-8
BIBLE, in Latin. [Cologne: Nicolaus Götz, about 1477-78].

The Kloss copy of the “extremely rare” second Götz edition of the Bible (Copinger). Nicolaus Götz, a legal scholar in Cologne, published four editions of the Bible in the 1470s; there is some disagreement about the priority. Copinger assigns this as the second edition and dates it c. 1474; he had only ever seen this copy of the book. Recent scholarship has moved up the dates of all the editions. Many of the extant copies are imperfect. This copy contains most of the first volume only, with Chronicles-Psalms bound after Proverbs-Maccabees at an early date. ISTC ib00554000; BSB-Ink B-427; GW 4229; Bod-inc B-263; Copinger, Incunabula Biblica 18.

Folio (294 x 211mm). 338 leaves (of 681; lacking Genesis-Kings and the New Testament). 41 lines. 2- and 5-line initials in red and blue, rubricated. Printed running headlines; early manuscript signatures in several hands and schemes (a number of marginal paper repairs, some sheets toned, occasional staining, dampstaining, upper right corner crunched). Contemporary German stamped calf, manuscript waste sewing stays, remains of clasps (joints showing but strong, some losses to leather and corner of upper board missing, staining). Provenance: Biblioteca Romersdorf (inscriptions) – George Kloss (bookplate, his sale lot 699) – Elizabeth Machen Palmer (1926-2008, inventory listing).
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