The ink rest is carved to resemble a miniature kang table, the top having a water-stopping rim leading down to a recessed waist above four curved legs and reticulated floral aprons. The brush pot is well carved in high relief as a naturalistic, gnarled section of tree trunk. The brush washer is rectangular in form with a flared mouth and is inscribed with auspicious verses on the four sides.
The largest: 5⅝ in. (14.3 cm.) long

Ink rest: University Museum and Art Gallery of The University of Hong Kong, Enlightening Pursuits: Scholars Objects from the Mengdiexuan Collection, Hong Kong, 2006, no. 43
Brush pot: University Museum and Art Gallery of The University of Hong Kong, Enlightening Pursuits: Scholars Objects from the Mengdiexuan Collection, Hong Kong, 2006, no. 56
Washer: University Museum and Art Gallery of The University of Hong Kong, Enlightening Pursuits: Scholars Objects from the Mengdiexuan Collection, Hong Kong, 2006, no. 78
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