The greyish-green stone is carved with a heart-shaped sloping well and inscribed along the rim in archaic script, dated the year gengzi, the month jiashen and, the day dingyou, Xuanhe Palace. Its base is carved with crevices simulating a peach kernel. The fitted cinnabar lacquer box is carved with a diaper pattern and overlaid with a seated beauty in glass, jade, soapstone and mother-of-pearl.
5¼ in. (13.4 cm.) long

Sold at Christie's Hong Kong, 22-23 March 1993, lot 530
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Compare with a Yixing cup dated to the 17th century in the Percival David Foundation, London, and an album leaf from the Lidai mingci tupu, attributed to the well-known collector Xiang Yuanbian (1525-1590), with the design for this inkstone, are illustrated and discussed by M. Buerdeley, The Chinese Collector through the Centuries, pp. 133-4, figs. 69 and 70.

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