The sheet is attached to a mount at the upper left and right corners. The sheet has cockled slightly overall. There is minor creasing to the edges of the sheet, most notably to the upper edge and right edge, and very minor soft creasing overall. The right edge is slightly uneven. There is some acidic discolouration along the edges of the composition, and a few scattered spots of acidic discolouration overall. The sheet has discoloured and the pigments have faded. There is light surface dirt overall and a few scattered specks of stray pigment to the edges. For further information on this lot please contact Aleksandra Babenko on +44 (0) 20 7389 2489 or at
拍品 26拍賣 18369
Mother and childrenMARIA MAREVNA (1892-1984)估價: GBP 2,000 - 3,000