The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
In addition to the catalogue description, the full sheet,
Fernsehbild Eishockey (TV Picture Ice Hockey) (B. & O. 27): published by Griffelkunst-Vereinigung, Hamburg, with their ink stamp on the reverse
handling creases in places throughout, otherwise in generally good condition
Sheet: 243⁄4 x 18 in. (629 x 457 mm.)
Hände (Die Vermittlung zwischen dem Oberen und dem Unteren) (Hands [The Meditation Between Above and Below]) (B. & O. 29): published by Griffelkunst-Vereinigung, Hamburg
a pale area of surface soiling in the lower right image quadrant, occasional very soft handling creases in places, otherwise in good condition
Sheet: 177⁄8 x 245⁄8 in. (455 x 625 mm.)
Häuserfront (Wer hier nichts erkennen kann, muß selber pendeln) (House fronts [Anyone unable to make anything out must use his own pendulum]) (B. & O. 30): published by Griffelkunst-Vereinigung, Hamburg
occasional pale surface soiling in places, otherwise in good condition
Sheet: 177⁄8 x 243⁄4 in. (454 x 629 mm.)
In der Oper (Entscheidung der Frage, ob den Schwämmen Bewußstein zukommt) (At the Opera [Answer to the Question Whether Sponges Possess Consciousness]) (B. & O 31): published by Griffelkunst-Vereinigung, Hamburg
occasional soft handling creases in places in the unprinted area, otherwise in generally very good condition
Sheet: 177⁄8 x 243⁄4 in. (454 x 629 mm.)
Figur mit Hand (Es schwindelt...) (Figure with Hand [Dizzy...]) (B. & O. 32): published by Griffelkunst-Vereinigung, Hamburg
soft creases in places throughout, otherwise in generally good condition
Sheet: 245⁄8 x 177⁄8 in. (626 x 454 mm.)
Günter Brus (B. & O. 33): co-published by Galerie und Edition Udo Leibelt, Marburg, and Galerie Erhard Klein, Bonn
pale light-staining, very minor splitting at the sheet corners, a very small area of skinning on the reverse lower sheet edge, otherwise in generally good condition
Sheet: 111⁄2 x 91⁄8 in. (292 x 232 mm.)
Please note this lot consists of six unframed prints.
Print Report