- Lot 1
BEHEADING OF JOHN THE BAPTIST, initial ‘M’ cut from an antiphonal [Spain, 13th C]
Anonymous Spanish Artist
EstimateGBP 3,000 - 5,000Price realisedGBP 3,750Closed - Lot 2
THE NATIVITY, miniature from a psalter [England or perhaps northern France, 2nd half 13th C]
Anglo-Norman 'Channel' School
EstimateGBP 12,000 - 18,000Closed - Lot 3EstimateGBP 300 - 500Price realisedGBP 812.50Closed
- Lot 4
A BISHOP, initial on a leaf from a commentary on Gratian’s Decretum [Bologna, c. 1280]
Anonymous Bolognese Artist
EstimateGBP 2,500 - 3,500Closed - Lot 5
ST FRANCIS’ STIGMATISATION and PREACHING TO BIRDS, initial ‘F’ from an antiphonal [Assisi, c. 1280s]
The Master of The Assisi Choirbooks (Active Final Quarter 13th Century)
EstimateGBP 40,000 - 60,000Price realisedGBP 93,750Closed - Lot 6
DOMINIC ADDRESSING DOMINICAN NUNS, initial ‘M’ on a choirbook leaf [Bologna, c. 1300]
Master of Sant’Agnese (Active End of 13th-Beginning of 14th Century)
EstimateGBP 7,000 - 10,000Price realisedGBP 9,375Closed - Lot 7
TOBIT AND TOBIAS, initial ‘P’, with initial ‘I’, two fragments of a choirbook leaf [Bologna, c.1300]
Master of Sant’Agnese (Active End of 13th-Beginning of 14th Century)
EstimateGBP 4,000 - 6,000Price realisedGBP 4,750Closed - Lot 9
ST ANTHONY ABBOT AND DIDYMUS THE BLIND, initial 'S' from a choirbook [northern Italy, c. 1300]
Anonymous Northern Italian Artist
EstimateGBP 8,000 - 12,000Closed - Lot 10
ST PAUL, initial 'P' on a bifolium from a Giant Bible [Spain, ?Castile, c. 1300]
Anonymous Spanish Artist
EstimateGBP 2,000 - 3,000Price realisedGBP 2,750Closed - Lot 11
THE JUDGEMENT OF ZEPHANIAH, initial on a bifolium from a Giant Bible [Spain, ?Castile, c. 1300]
Anonymous Spanish Artist
EstimateGBP 2,500 - 3,500Closed - Lot 12
JONAH IN PRAYER, initial on a bifolium from a Giant Bible [Spain, ?Castile, c. 1300]
Anonymous Spanish Artist
EstimateGBP 2,500 - 3,500Closed - Lot 13
ST DOMINIC TEACHING, initial ‘O’ cut from a choirbook [Rimini, first quarter 14th C]
Neri Da Rimini (Fl. 1300-1338)
EstimateGBP 1,800 - 2,500Price realisedGBP 1,875Closed - Lot 14
CHRIST WITH APOSTLES, initial ‘S’ on a leaf from the Hungerford Hours [?Lincoln or Ely, c. 1330]
Anonymous English Artist
EstimateGBP 5,000 - 7,000Closed - Lot 15
BAPTISM OF CHRIST, initial ‘B’ on an antiphonal leaf [Teramo, 1st half 14th C]
Berardo Da Teramo (Fl. 1325-1350)
EstimateGBP 8,000 - 12,000Price realisedGBP 8,125Closed - Lot 16
RESURRECTION and TRINITY, two initials cut from a gradual [diocese of Konstanz, 1st half 14th C]
Anonymous Northern Swiss Or Southern German Artist
EstimateGBP 8,000 - 12,000Price realisedGBP 8,750Closed - Lot 17
Penwork initial ‘P’ on a leaf from an antiphonal [Upper Rhine, ?Freiburg, 1st half 14th C]
Anonymous German Artist
EstimateGBP 5,000 - 8,000Closed - Lot 18
INITIAL 'S' on a leaf from a gradual [Lombardy, final quarter 14th C]
Anonymous Lombard Artist
EstimateGBP 500 - 800Price realisedGBP 562.50Closed - Lot 19
NATIVITY, in an initial H cut from an antiphonal [Florence, 1400]
Don Simone Camaldolese (Active 1378-1405)
EstimateGBP 12,000 - 18,000Closed - Lot 20
THE AGES OF MAN, miniature from Le Livre des propriétés des choses [Paris, c. 1410]
Bartholomaeus Anglicus (C. 1203-1272) [Author]; Perrin Remiet (1386-1428) [Artist]
EstimateGBP 6,000 - 9,000Price realisedGBP 7,500Closed - Lot 21
THE SUN AND MOON and WATER EXPLAINED, from Le Livre des propriétés des choses [Paris, c. 1410]
Bartholomaeus Anglicus (C. 1203-1272) [Author]; Perrin Remiet (1386-1428) [Artist]
EstimateGBP 8,000 - 12,000Closed - Lot 22
ST SEBASTIAN, miniature on a leaf from a Book of Hours [Western France, ?Rennes, c. 1435]
Master of Walters 221 (Active 1430S-1440S)
EstimateGBP 10,000 - 15,000Closed - Lot 23
ST NICHOLAS, miniature from a Book of Hours [Bruges c. 1440]
Masters of The Gold Scrolls (Active 1415-1455)
EstimateGBP 1,800 - 2,500Closed - Lot 24
ST CATHERINE, miniature from a Book of Hours [Bruges c. 1440]
Masters of The Gold Scrolls (Active 1415-1455)
EstimateGBP 1,500 - 2,000Closed - Lot 25
TWO INITIALS ‘M’ and ‘E’ on a leaf from a gradual [northern Italy, 15th C]
Anonymous Northern Italian Artist
EstimateGBP 700 - 1,000Price realisedGBP 687.50Closed - Lot 26
STIGMATISATION OF ST FRANCIS, initial ‘C’ on a ?hymnal leaf [Lombardy, c. 1442]
Bonifacio Bembo (Active 1444-1477)
EstimateGBP 6,000 - 9,000Closed - Lot 27
A MANUALE, in Latin and Portuguese, decorated manuscript on vellum [Portugal, mid-15th C]
A Medieval Portuguese Manuale
EstimateGBP 500 - 800Price realisedGBP 625Closed - Lot 28
PENTECOST, initial ‘V’ cut from a choirbook [Lombardy, mid-15th C]
Anonymous Lombard Artist
EstimateGBP 7,000 - 10,000Closed - Lot 29
ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN, initial 'A' from a Bessarion antiphonal [Lombardy or Emilia, 1440-60]
Master of The Franciscan Breviary (Active 1440-1460)
EstimateGBP 5,000 - 8,000Price realisedGBP 5,625Closed - Lot 30
STIGMATISATION OF ST FRANCIS, initial ‘G’ on a gradual leaf [Vienna, c. 1458-65]
Anonymous Austrian Artist
EstimateGBP 10,000 - 15,000Closed - Lot 31
TRIUMPHAL PROCESSION OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR, cut from a manuscript [Rouen, 3rd quarter 15th C]
Master of the Rouen Échevinage (Active C. 1460–85)
EstimateGBP 10,000 - 15,000Closed - Lot 32
ALL SAINTS, initial 'G' from a choirbook [northern Italy, possibly Ferrara, final third 15th C]
Circle of Guglielmo Giraldi (Fl. 1445-1489)
EstimateGBP 3,000 - 5,000Closed - Lot 33
HANNIBAL DEFEATING THE ROMANS, miniature from the Romuléon [eastern France, c. 1480]
Benvenuto Da Imola (1330-1388) [Author]; Pierre Garnier (Active 1470-1490) [Artist]
EstimateGBP 6,000 - 9,000Price realisedGBP 7,500Closed - Lot 34
Anonymous Netherlandish Artist
EstimateGBP 4,000 - 6,000Closed - Lot 35
CROSS WITH INSTRUMENTS OF THE PASSION, initial ‘O’ from a choirbook [?Cremona, last quarter 15th C]
Anonymous Northern Italian Artist
EstimateGBP 1,000 - 1,500Closed - Lot 36
OVIDIUS NASO, Publius, La Bible des poètes. Methamorphoze, Paris: Antoine Vérard
Publius Ovidius Naso (43BCE - 17CE) [Author]; Antoine Vérard (Active 1485-1512) [Printer]
EstimateGBP 4,000 - 6,000Closed - Lot 37
CENSING OF CHALICE AND PATEN, initial cut from a manuscript made for Pope Leo X [Florence, c. 1520]
Attavante Degli Attavanti (1452-1525)
EstimateGBP 8,000 - 12,000Closed - Lot 38
ST LOUIS ADORED BY A BENEDICTINE, initial ‘G’ from a choirbook [northern France, 1st half 16th C]
Anonymous French Artist
EstimateGBP 1,800 - 2,500Price realisedGBP 1,875Closed - Lot 39
BENEDICTINE NUNS holding emblems of Faith, Charity and Justice [Spain, late 16th C]
Anonymous Spanish Artist
EstimateGBP 700 - 900Price realisedGBP 1,000Closed - Lot 40
THE CRUCIFIXION, miniature on vellum signed and dated by Pedro Sánchez de Ezpeleta [Zaragoza], 1596
Pedro Sánchez De Ezpeleta (1557-1637)
EstimateGBP 8,000 - 12,000Closed - Lot 41
A CHEMIST’S LICENCE, in Italian and Latin, Venice, 1717
Antonio Damugliano (Fl. 1685-1740) [Recipient]
EstimateGBP 3,000 - 5,000Closed