A MANUALE, including the Rite of Baptism, in Latin and Portuguese, decorated manuscript on vellum [Portugal, mid-15th century]
Nine leaves that would have formed part of a larger handbook listing the priest's offices (baptism, penance, matrimony, extreme unction, etc.). Every local rite, almost every diocese, had such books; indeed many were compilations for the convenience of one priest or church. Such books were called by many names —
Liber agendarum,
Sacramentale, and
Rituale. The present manuscript contains the blessing of water and salt, and the Rite of Baptism, including instructions for the various responses to be given by the godparents.
The rubrics are in Portuguese, making this a very rare little survival.
•Near-contemporary annotations.
•Private collection, London.
204 x 145mm. 9 leaves, ruled space: 118 x 93mm. Bound in a fragment of a contemporary choirbook leaf. Vellum ties.
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Please note this lot is the property of a private consignor.