Anonymous Lombard artist
PENTECOST, initial ‘V’ cut from a choirbook [Lombardy, mid-15th century]
An impressive example of Late Gothic Lombard illumination, a beautifully nuanced work by an illuminator in the circle of Gerolamo da Milano (the 'Olivetan Master') and the Master of the Vitae Imperatorum, deeply influenced by the soft and fluid style of the great Michelino da Besozzo.

Although the artist responsible for this sparkling miniature remains elusive, he must certainly be placed in that same context of late Gothic Lombard illumination as Gerolamo da Milano and the Master of the Vitae Imperatorum, from which emerged the Master of the Franciscan Breviary. The light treatment of the fleshtones hark back to Tomasino da Vimercate (fl. 1390-1415), while the elongated haloes and undulating draperies are part of the stylistic vocabulary of Michelino da Besozzo (1370-1455).

Strong stylistic and compositional parallels can be found with another cutting depicting the Communion of the Apostles at the Victoria and Albert Museum (London, Victoria and Albert Museum, ms. 988). We see the same delicate treatment of the figures at work, the same soft, elongated features, fluid draperies and rosy complexions. The present cutting was published by F. Lollini, 'Esempi inediti o poco noti di miniatura lombarda tardogotica', Fare Storia dell'Arte, 2000, pp. 61-65.

•Basel, Rostomikov collection; then Erasmushaus Antiquariat.
•Private collection, London.

131 x 101mm. Initial 'V' likely opening the hymn 'Veni creator spiritus'. Cut out and laid down on card.

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