Of oblate spherical form, the aerodyamically shaped specimen of Australite is the result of surface tension causing the silicate melt to minimize its shape, this dark impact glass is accented a single concentric groove and a naturally smooth surface evoking a button, supported on custom stand.

The origin of such silicate glass formations was long considered a mystery. Today scientists agree the phenomena, occurs when an asteroid impacts Earth. The extraordinary heat and pressure resulting from such a cataclysmic collision liquifies terrestrial rocks, which are the splashed into the upper atmosphere, and return to Earth as solidified glass.
Tektites are named after the locality in which they are found, hence: Australites, Indochinites, Philippinites, Moldoavites, Libyan Desert Glass, etc. The greater the silica content contained in the slash, the lighter the colour. A tektite’s shape is aerodynamically determined and is the result of the altitude the molten material is splashed into the sky, subsequent ablation, its degree of orientation (whether it’s inverting as it cools and plunges earthward) and its speed of rotation as it penetrates the atmosphere. Now offered is a wonderful example of the parabolic curve and button form that inspired the shape of the Apollo re-entry craft.

19mm. in diameter
212 in. (6.5cm.) high on stand

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