an Apple-1 motherboard: labelled Apple Computer 1 Palo Alto Ca. Copyright 1976 on obverse with four rows A-D, and columns 1-18, white ceramic MOS Technologies 6502 microprocessor, labelled MCS 6502 1576, 8K bytes RAM in 16-pin 4K memory chips, original 3 “Big-Blue” power supply capacitors, firmware in PROMS (A1, A2), low-profile sockets on all integrated circuits, fitted with original Apple cassette interface card lettered with ‘G’ within triangle; mounted in grey and black painted fibreglass casing with keyboard; three cassettes with printed labels apple computer inc. one with labelled in manuscript HAMURABI 4A/00FFR 400.FFFR 10-6-77, another labelled in manuscript NEW MONITOR 800.FFFR Run F3D 10-6, the third with applied printed label A1t001 BASIC LOAD:E000.EFFFR RUN:E000R.
Original manuals: Apple-1 Operation Manual. Palo Alto: Apple Computer Company, (n.d., but 1976). 4° (280 x 215mm.) 12pp., Apple-1 Cassette Interface. Palo Alto: Apple Computer Company, (n.d., but 1976). 2 bifolia to form oblong 8° (140 x 216mm.) [8pp.], PRELIMINARY APPLE BASIC USERS MANUAL. Palo Alto: Apple Computer Company (October 1976). A4 with green paper title (280 x 215mm.) 14pp. Apple-1TM Operation Manual. Palo Alto: Apple Computer Company (1977). A4 with brown paper title (280 x 215mm.) 12pp., Preliminary Apple BASIC User’s Manual. Palo Alto: Apple Computer Company (n.d., but 1977). A4 with brown paper title (280 x 215mm.) 14pp.; a postcard stamped 18 Jul 1977 to Joe Torzewksi, signed ‘Steve Wozniak APPLE COMPUTER’ with a note stating ‘We are getting a floating point BASIC for the APPLE-II but not the APPLE-I’; with a copy of Interface Age vol.1 no.11 October 1976 featuring a double-page advertisement for Apple.
22 x 19 x 6in. (55 x48 x15cm.)


Joe Torzewski, purchase 1977.
Whence acquired by current owner in 2004.


Apple-1 Registry, where the current example is listed with serial number 01-0057.

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