Staatsweingut Eltville,
Steinberger Spätlese 1920
Slightly corroded capsule, signs of old seepage. Level 1cm below base of cork (1)
Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Spätburgunder 1921
Slightly nicked label. Level 0,5cm below base of cork (1)
Rauenthaler Baiken Trockenbeerenauslese 1937
Slightly raised cork. Bin soiled label. Excellent level (1)
Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Spätburgunder 1939
Slightly corroded capsule, signs of old seepage. Slightly bin-soiled labels. Levels: one 0.5cms and one 2cms below base of corks (2)
Steinberger Spätlese 1946
Bin-soiled, damaged label. Excellent level (1)
Kiedricher Gräfenberg Spätlese 1948
Bin-soiled, slightly damaged label> Level 0,5cm below base of cork (1)
Steinberger Spätlese 1949
One slightly raised cork. One bin-soiled label, one bin-soiled and damaged. Levels: 0.5cms and 1cm below base of corks (2)
Rauenthaler Gehrn 1952
Bin-soiled damaged label (1)
Rauenthaler Langenstück Spätlese 1952
Bin-soiled label (1)
Above 11 bottles per lot
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