Of life-sized ostrich form with proper right wing opening to reveal bar space, together with a plush Kermit the Frog
80 in. (203 cm.) high; 49 in. (124.5 cm.) wide; 25 in. (63.5 cm.) deep
Ferrise, J. (2018, March). Why I Love: Gussy, my Ostrich Bar. InStyle.
I. Apfel, Iris Apfel: Accidental Icon, New York, 2018, p. 40, similar object illustrated.
Maysles, A. (Director). (2014). Iris. [film]
Vail, A. (2016, October 11). Iris Apfel's Home in New York City is a Fashionista's Dream. Architectural Digest.

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Lot Essay

'I used to have my own interior-design business, and every year I'd do a few big buying trips. In the '70s I went to Italy and visited the workshop of a fabulous wood carver. I knew I wanted him to make me something, and since I love ostriches, I came up with the crazy idea of having a life-size one carved out of this beautiful bleached wood. Then I thought, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was a bar too?" So I designed the wing on a hinge, which allows you to open the ostrich and fill the belly with booze.

We ended up producing six in total. I sold four of them to clients—one went to the mayor of Dallas, another to a la-di-da hotel. But I kept two for myself that I named Gussy and Gustavo.

Gustavo lives in the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Mass., and Gussy lives with me in Palm Beach. My apartment there is a little cuckoo, so she fits right in, especially with Kermit the Frog on her back. (Kermit tipples, you know, and now he's half crocked because of the bar.) I love Gussy to pieces, mainly because she's attractive and useful, but she also puts up with both Kermit and me. What more can I ask for?'

Iris Apfel, 27 February 2018, as told to Jennifer Ferrise for InStyle Magazine

Mrs. Apfel pictured with 'Gussy' in her Palm Beach home in two undated photographs.

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Unapologetically Iris: The Collection of Iris Apfel
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