MAYAKOVSKY, Vladimir Vladimirovich (1897-1930). Groznyi smekh. [Terrible laughter]. Moscow/Leningrad: GICHL, 1932. [Offered with:] Neobychayneyshee priklyuchenie. [A most extraordinary adventure]. New York: New world press, 1925. [And with:] MAYAKOVSKY, with N. ASEEV and I. MANATIEV. Rasskaz o tom putem kakim s bedoy upravilsya Akim [A story about how Akim coped with misfortune]. Moscow: Cooperative, 1925.

I: First edition, with cover design by Varvara Stepanova and the famous photomontage by Boris Ignatovic. The work was published posthumously. The setting was striking: the text pages were complemented by the half-page large-scale legendary posters of the Russian telegraph agency ROSTA. One every two text sheets remained unillustrated and was bound in a narrow vertical format. MoMA The Russian Avant-Garde Book 1006. II: Rare early edition of a poem written during the Russian Civil War, published first in 1923 in a book entitled The Sun, with illustrations by Larionov. That title is referred to in the wrappers of this edition with design by Burliuk. Lesman 1503. III: First edition. Checklist of the Judith Rothschild Foundation Gift, MoMA, 609.

I: Quarto (237 x 124mm). With 37 illustrated pages showing Rosta windows (short repair to last leaf). Original boards with printed dust-jacket (spine repaired at head, jacket with small repairs to flap folds, a little worn). II: Octavo (144 x 103). With lithographic vignette by Burliuk. Original orange printed wrappers designed by Burliuk. III: Octavo (222 x 151mm). Illustrated throughout (occasional light spotting). Original pictorial wrappers (lightly worn at edges).
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