KARL PFAHLER (1926-2002)
KPp 3
the complete set of seven screenprints in colors, on Fabriano wove paper, 1972, each signed and numbered 2/100 in pencil, printed and published by Edition Domberger, Stuttgart
Sheet: 2512 x 2512 in. (648 x 648 mm.)
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Lot Essay

Karl Pfahler was one of the first West German artists in the mid-twentieth century to adopt a hard-edged style after the nascent American movements of Pop art and Minimalism. Pfahler’s linear geometric abstractions explore the relationship between color, shape, and space. Often working on serial projects, this portfolio project, KPp 3 exemplifies the artist’s engagement with highly saturated, synthetic colors in jarring combinations and asymmetrical arrangements.

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Domberger: 65 years of Screen Printing
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